Create SharePoint site collection (SharePoint 2013)


Create SharePoint site collection (SharePoint 2013)

This activity creates a new top-level Web site in the current web application.


Note: By defining managed paths, you can specify which paths in the URL namespace of a Web application are used for site collections. You can specify that one site collection or more than one site collection exists at a specified path. For example, an explicit path of hr indicates that the URL http://server/hr is a site collection, whereas a wildcard path of “sites” indicates that child URLs of http://server/sites/, such as server/sites/team, are site collections. To add a new URL Path go to the Define Managed Paths page (Central Administration > Application Management > Define Managed Paths).

SharePoint Workflow Designer Phrase

Create new SharePoint site collection with the following name, the following url and the following template. Primary site collection administrator login or e-mail, secondary site collection administrator login or e-mail.


Input parameters

The followingnameName of the newSharePoint site collectionThe title of the new site collection. The maximumlength is 255 characters.
The following urlThe complete URL where the site should be created. To add a new URL Path go to the Define Managed Paths page (Central Administration > Application Management > Define Managed Paths).Example: http://server01/sites/MySitex.
The following templateSpecifies the type of template to be used by the newly created site.If you do not specify a template to use, the owner can choose a template when he or she first browses to the site.The value may be be in the form:name#configuration. If you do not specify the configuration, (for example, STS) configuration 0 is the default (for example, STS#0).template title from Site Template Gallery (forexample, “Example template”)template file name from Site Template Gallery (for example, ExampleTemplate.stp).
The followingdescriptionOptional. Description ofthe new site.
Primary administrator login or e-mailSpecify the administrator for this Web site collection.“user@domain”, “domain\user”.
Secondaryadministrator login or e-mailOptional. Specify theadministrator for this Web site collection.“user@domain”, “domain\user”.



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