Forward Email


This activity allows forwarding the attached email file in EML format (EML file is plain text in MIME format, containing the e-mail header as well as the message contents and attachments) from selected list item.

The activity tries finding email (file with .eml extension) in either list item attachments or file library file. The activity modifies only recipients, sender and subject headers. The email body and attachments are the same, the activity don’t add any modifications.

The activity can be useful in many scenarios:

  • User uploads eml file to file library (from external program or email server) and email is forwarded automatically
  • External system (for example Virto Incoming E-mail Feature for Microsoft SharePoint) loads a new email from email server, saves the email to the list and forwards email
  • Help desk system registers email adds ticket to the subject and forward to issue responsible.
SharePoint Workflow Designer Phrase

Load email file from this item and forward to this recipients from original sender with original subject

this item
this recipientsEmail recipients addresses
original senderOptional. Email sender. If property is empty, original email recipient will be used
original subjectOptional. Email subject. If property is empty, original email subject will be used

By default, activity uses the default site outbound mail service. If you want to use custom SMTP Server

settings, use “Set Smtp server settings” activity before.

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