This activity uploads SharePoint documents and folders from the local disk.
The following wildcard specifiers are permitted in the search pattern:
Wildcard character:
? – Exactly zero or one character.
* – Zero or more characters.
Characters other than the wildcard specifiers represent themselves. For example, the search pattern string “*t” searches for all names in the path ending with the letter “t”. The search pattern string “s*” searches for all names in the path beginning with the letter “s”.
Note: When using the asterisk wildcard character in a search pattern, such as “*.txt”, the matching behavior differs depending on the extension length:
- A search pattern with an extension of exactly three characters returns files with extensions of three or more characters, where the first three characters match the specified extension.
- A search pattern with an extension of one, two, or more than three characters returns only files with extensions of exactly that length, matching the specified extension.
When using the question mark wildcard character, this method returns only files matching the specified extension. For example, with “file1.txt” and “file1.txtother” in a directory:
- The search pattern “file?.txt” returns just the first file.
- The search pattern “file*.txt” returns both files.
The following list shows search pattern behavior by extension length:
- “*.abc” returns files with extensions such as .abc, .abcd, .abcde, etc.
- “*.abcd” returns files with the exact extension .abcd.
- “*.abcde” returns only files with the extension .abcde.
- “*.abcdef” returns only files with the extension .abcdef.
You can use the bulk update property to update fields for all uploaded files.
SharePoint Workflow Designer Phrase
Upload all files from this local folder to this folder URL. Recursive Yes. Overwrite existing documents. Use bulk update to update fields.
Parameter | Description |
All | Optional. Optional. Search pattern to match against file names in the path. The parameter cannot end in two periods (“..”) or contain two periods (“..”) followed by “\” or “/”, nor can it contain invalid path characters. An empty search pattern returns all files. |
this local folder | Path to the local folder. Example: c:\temp\ |
this folder URL | Full URL to the folder. Example: http://mysharepoint/MyDocs/Shared%20Documents |
Yes | Set to Yes to upload files recursively from subfolders. Set to No to upload files only from the current folder. |
Overwrite | Determines whether existing files should be overwritten: – Overwrite – Overwrites existing files. – Do not Overwrite – Skips files that already exist in the SharePoint folder. |
bulk update | Optional. Bulk update string that includes field names and values, formatted as [FieldName]=[Value]. Example fields: – vti_title to update title – ModerationInformation.Status to update content approval status – ModerationInformation.Comment to add a comment explaining approval or rejection. Example: Description=Test Description Start Date=2010-12-10T12:30:00 Published=1 Choice=My Choice #3 Lookup=12;# vti_title=My Super Title ModerationInformation.Status=Approved |
Keep original date | Specifies whether to keep the original file dates: – None – Don’t modify – Created – Keep the original created date – Last Modified – Keep the original last modified date – Created and Last Modified – Keep both dates. |
Trigger createevent | Indicates whether this activity triggers the item created event. Default value is No. Note: Can loop workflow activities if set to Yes. |