Select the SharePoint list type.
You can add any SharePoint lists and external calendar lists (such as Exchange Calendar, Google Calendar, Salesforce Calendar, SQL Tables, XML files, etc.). In this example, we will use a SharePoint calendar list. Select the required site from the site collection dropdown, then choose the list.
You can add lists from any number of sites within the SharePoint site collection.
Select the title column and the start and end time columns of the list.
Choose the list fields that will be displayed in the new (create) form of the new event. All SharePoint field types (except Currency) are supported.
Select the color that will be used for color-coding events of this data source. Now click “Save” to create the data source. It will be displayed in the list of data sources.
If there are too many fields in a form and it does not fit the screen size, you may drag and drop by clicking on the form title, save it with the Enter button, or close it with the Esc button.
To modify or delete a data source, use the corresponding “Edit” and “Delete” buttons opposite the required source:
Additional data source settings
Tooltip options
Expand “Tooltip Options” in the “Data source settings” block. If you want to be redirected to the default SharePoint edit/view form after clicking on a calendar item, check the box labeled “Disable tooltip.” You can also hide the event details link from anonymous users by checking the corresponding box.
Now select the fields that will be displayed on the calendar item tooltip and move them to “Display Columns” window with arrows.
You can allow the display of attachments for items in this data source, and it is possible to adjust the preview of the attached pictures in the tooltip.
If you check the box labeled “Only Pictures,” the tooltip will not contain links to other attachments (.doc, .pdf, etc.).
If you check the box labeled “Picture Preview Enabled,” the tooltip for this source will contain a preview of the attached pictures.
Filters options
If you select the “List View” filter, you will need to define a list view according to which the items will be displayed (for example, only active tasks will be shown). The view predefined in the SharePoint list will be used.
If you select the “Advanced” filter, you will be able to define special conditions for displaying items from this list. For example, you can create user filters or add any other custom conditions.
Moreover, you can show events only if the current user belongs to the user(s)/group(s) from a chosen column.
Simply select the required option from the dropdown. This option is available only for a SharePoint list data source and can be used for columns of the “Person or Group” type.
Don’t forget to click “Save” after making adjustments.
Advanced options
Percents of completion and color-coding options are included in the “Advanced Options” block for a data source.
You can display a percent completion for your events. This is usually applied to lists of the Tasks type. The completion status will be displayed in the Tasks view (Days or Hours). To adjust the percent completion view, select a field from which the percent value will be taken. At this step, you can also define the height of the percent completion bar and select an appropriate color.
You can also display items of different categories from the list with different colors. In this case, you have to define a field of categorization (for example, priority or status) and select colors for each of the values.
Event coloring by field type can be applied only for fields of “Choice” and “User” types (such as “Priority,” “Status,” and “Assigned to” etc.).
If you select the “Assigned To” field for color coding and define color codes for every user, pay attention to the case when more than one user is assigned to a task. The calendar will display the event in the color of the first assigned user.
Click “Save” when you finish. Click “OK” or “Apply,” and you will see that events from the added SharePoint list (if there are any) appear in the calendar according to the defined settings.
To modify or delete a data source, use the corresponding “Edit” and “Delete” buttons opposite the required source.