SharePoint Form Layouts


SharePoint Form Layouts

Virto Forms Designer allows users to create custom form views (layouts) for distinct users/groups. This feature is essential to secure the company’s sensitive information and allow access to certain data for users with permissions only. Also, the layouts improve usability by displaying the same list’s form for each department.

It is possible to hide certain fields or tabs according to a user/group permission. If defined conditions allow a user to have access to several views, the view with the highest access priority will be displayed. Click “New” in the Layouts block and create a layout. Here you can define the name of layout, set the list of groups and users with permission to view this layout.


Note: If defined conditions allow a user to have access to several views, the view with highest access priority will be displayed. The smaller is the number, the higher is the priority.

Now you can edit several layouts in SharePoint Forms Designer.


Note: you should save a default form view to add new layouts. For example, to add two layouts for edit form, you should save a standard edit form and then create layout 1 and layout 2.


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