This activity allows removing all members from Active Directory group.

By default, activity uses the current user when authenticating. If you want to use custom
authentication, use “Set Active Directory authentication” activity before.
SharePoint Workflow Designer Phrase
Remove all members from this group group in this domain.
Parameter | Description |
this group | Path to existing user group.Supported formats:Full LDAP path “CN= group,OU=Test,DC=yourdomain,DC=local”Simple path from root with domain “yourdomain\test\group” or “yourdomain/test/group”Simple path from root without domain “test\group” or “test/group”,domain will be resolved automatically.The logon name. Ex: “group”.Use Active Directory Explorer ( us/sysinternals/bb963907.aspx) to get correct path.Supports multiple destination groups separated ‘;’. |
this domain | Optional. Domain name. You should enter domain name if user name without adomain, otherwise it will be calculated from the user name. |