Get assignable value from taxonomy field


Get assignable value from taxonomy field

Returns the assignable value from a taxonomy field in this format: “WSSID;#VAL|GUID”.


This is necessary because SharePoint workflows use different formats to get and set managed metadata field values. When retrieving a managed metadata field value, SharePoint returns the format “VAL|GUID.” When setting a value, the format “WSSID;#VAL|GUID” is required, where WSSID is the ID of the associated row in the hidden taxonomy list.

This activity supports managed metadata fields that accept multiple values.

Note: If you want to update managed metadata fields that accept multiple values, you should use the [TaxonomyFieldName]_0 column.

SharePoint Workflow Designer Phrase

Get the assignable value from this field in this item and store the result in variable.


this fieldField display name, field unique ID (GUID), or field index (int).
this itemList item.

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