Rename document


This activity finds the document by ID of list item and sets a new document name and title.


Note: The activity doesn’t modify file extension or content type.


Input parameters

Current item id (optional)List item id where you want to rename document. Default value is current workflow context list item id.[%Current item: ID%]
Current list (optional)List id (guid) or name where you want to rename document. Default value is current workflow context list.[%Workflow Context: List ID%]
New document nameNew document name.
Site URLs (optional)The URLs of a SharePoint site where you want to rename document. If the value field is empty, current site will be used.https://contoso/SiteUrl; https://contoso/Sites/SiteUrl;[%Workflow Context:Current Site URL%]subSite
User name (optional)User login name who you want the workflow must be run under
User password (optional)User password who you want the workflow must be run under



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