6.0.2 (2020-11-19)
- License manager has been updated.
5.7.9 (2015-10-13)
- Support of SSL/TLS has been added to Web Request action.
- Minor bug has been fixed in Convert Word to PDF action.
5.1.9 (2015-02-10)
- “Delete user from Active Directory”. Fixed the error when a entry has subtrees
5.1.8 (2014-12-17)
- “Web request Activity”. Request fails if a postData is string.
5.1.7 (2014-12-1)
- Updated “Calculate aggregate function” and “”Calculate aggregate function extended”. Supports calculated columns.
5.1.6 (2014-10-22)
- has been fixed bug of “If user a member of a Active Directory group” condition
5.1.5 (2014-10-03)
- Send Email With Attachments – 403 forbidden if file hosted in SharePoint
5.1.4 (2014-08-25)
- bug with formatting of DateTime field has been fixed
5.1.3 (2014-08-14)
- bug with DateTime field has been fixed
5.1.2 (2014-06-25)
- Get current list item attachments urls activity has been added.
- Select event/odd array items activity has been added.
5.1.1 (2014-02-25)
- Minor bug has been fixed.
5.1.0 (2013-12-25)
- Enterprise license has been added.
5.0.0 (2013-10-24)
- Web license manager
4.2.3 (2013-04-04)
- Minor bug has been fixed
4.2.2 (2013-01-30)
- Added “Copy SharePoint group” activity.
- Added “Folder exists at the following url” condition.
- Minor bug has been fixed.
4.2.0 (2012-10-07)
- Added “Convert text to upper, lower, title case” activity.
- Added “Update site title and description” activity.
- Updated “Create document from file” activity. Added output file url.
- Fixed “Update List Item extended” activity. Mapping fails if a column contains colon character.
4.1.0 (2012-09-18)
- Added “Except array” activity. Returns those elements in first array that do not appear in second array.
- Added “Intersect array” activity. Produces intersection of two arrays.
- Added “Concat array” activity. Concatenates two arrays.
- Updated “Set Date constant” activity. Supports regional settings of current web.
- Updated “Update List Item extended” activity. The activity updates the “Modified” and “Modified by” values.
- Updated “Generate Report” activities. SharePoint 2010 Returns only \r instead of \r\n.
- Fixed “Convert Date to Text” activity. Doesn’t resolve regional settings of current web.
- Fixed “Execute custom code” activity. Empty result if the code has variable lookup.
- Fixed “Copy List Item extended” activity. The copy list item does not correctly set the Content Type.
- Fixed “Loop through list items and start workflow” activity. Couldn’t find SPWorkflowAssociation by name.
- Fixed the activity doesn’t resolve list item url correctly.
4.0.0 (2012-08-14)
- Added “Create SharePoint list” activity.
- Added “Create document set” activity.
- Added “Get version history of list item” activity. Allows access to the version history infor mation of a list item. The activity supports all SharePoint columns.
- Added “Grant permissions on list” activity.
- Added “Remove permissions from list” activity.
- Added “Grant permission on List Item extended” activity.
- Added “Get list item url extended” activity. Allow to get list item url from CAML Query or List View.
- Added “Set user’s password in Active Directory” activity.
- Added “Calculate due date” activity. Allows calculating due date from specific time.
- Added “Convert Word document to PDF” activity. (For SharePoint Server 2010 only).
- Added “Enable user account in Active Directory” activity.
- Added “Disable user account in Active Directory” activity.
- Added “Create Summary task” activity.
- Added “Create task” activity.
- Added “Loop through list items and start workflow” activity.
- Added “Create Navigation link” activity. Allows create a new navigation link in Top link b ar or Quick launch.
- Added “Create Navigation heading” activity.
- Added “Terminate running workflow” activity. Allows cancel the specified workflow.
- Added “Resize image” activity.
- Added “Resize image based on one side” activity.
- Added “Resize image by percentage” activity.
- Added “Crop image” activity.
- Added “Import CSV file into SharePoint list” activity.
- Added “Item exists in the list” condition. Allows to check if item exists at specified url.
- Added “User has permission level” condition. Allows to check current list item and retur n true if the user has the specified rights; otherwise, false.
- Added “User has permission level in list item” condition. Allows to find list item by specifi ed url and return true if the user has the specified rights; otherwise, false.
- Added “VirtoLookupSelector Value (as Text)” coercion. http://www.virtosoftware.com/v irto-cross-site-cascaded-lookup-for-sharepoint.aspx
- Updated Send email activities. Resolving sender (from) address from the user logon nam e.
- Updated Send email activities. Sender is optional. Gets default sender (from) address fro m SharePoint Outgoing E-mail settings.
- Updated “Copy List Item extended” activity.
- Updated “Create SharePoint group” activity. Added groups appear in the Quick Launch p roperty. Default value: No.
- Updated “Create List Item extended” activity. Supports create list item in folder.
- Updated “Generate Report” activities. Use <%FieldName;#NetFormat%> construction to format field value from current list item.
- For example: <%Start Date;#D%> uses D –
long date output pattern 6/15/2009 1:45:30 PM -> Monday, June 15, 2009.
- Updated “Generate Report” activities. Added ability to resolve culture information from current web.
- Updated “Generate Report” activities. Removed NewLine character between header, ro w and footer.
- Updated “Upload documents from folder” activity. Continue upload if could not upload f ile.
- Updated “Start another workflow extended” activity. Supports Content Type workflow.
- Updated “Start another workflow” activity. Supports Content Type workflow.
- Updated “Create SharePoint site” activity. Supports Navigation Inheritance and Navigati on properties.
- Updated “Create SharePoint site” activity. Added Locale property.
- Updated “Create SharePoint site collection” activity. Added Locale property.
- Fixed “Upload documents from folder” activity. Doesn’t set content type correctly.
3.9.2 (2012-02-02)
- Added “Workflow is running” condition. Determines whether workflow is running in the specified list item
- Updated “Create folder in the document library”. Supports create folder in list.
- Updated “Create folder in the document library extended”. Supports create folder in list.
- Fixed “bulk update” parsing in “Create list item extended” activity.
3.9.0 (2011-12-26)
- Added “Get field values from list” activity. Extracts values from field in Text, Html, Edit M ode and Internal format from filtered list items at specified list and store result in Array.
- Updated “Renumber outline number” activity. Number format: 1.01, 1.02, 1.03.
3.8.0 (2011-12-12)
- Added “Set default permission group” activity. Allows setting default permission groups Visitors/Members/Owners for web.
- Added “Calculate aggregate function extended” activity.
- Updated Send email activities. Removed duplicated email addresses.
- Update “Lookup site user property” and “Lookup initiator user property” activities. Supp orts Groups property.
- Update “bulk update” activities. Supports to set Group in Person and Group column.
- Fixed “System.ArgumentException: Kan het veld met de naam Title niet vinden.” error in “Copy List Item extended” activity.
3.7.6 (2011-11-21)
- Update “Lookup site user property” and “Lookup initiator user property” activities. Supp orts Groups property.
- Update “bulk update” activities. Supports to set Group in Person and Group column.
3.7.4 (2011-11-08)
- Update “bulk update” activities. Supports Multiline text, Note, Html field types.
3.7.0 (2011-10-18)
- Added “Change site permissions inheritance” activity. Allows either ‘Stop inheriting per missions’ or ‘Inherit permissions from Parent’ for specified site.
- Added “Grant permissions on site” activity.
- Added “Remove permissions from site” activity.
- Added “Approve Item extended” activity.
- Fixed System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8102001C) error if reset dateti me field.
- Fixed System.NullReferenceException exception in “Create folder in the document librar y” action if executes workflow for folder.
3.6.0 (2011-08-17)
- Added “Create SharePoint library” activity. Creates a new Document, Form, Wiki Page or Picture library at specified site.
- Added “Remove all users from SharePoint group” activity.
- Added “Remove all members from Active Directory group” activity.
- Added “Rename SharePoint group” activity.
- Added “Get emails from List field extended” activity. Extracts all emails from field in filtered list items at specified list.
- Added “Get emails from field extended” activity. Extracts all emails from field at specified list item.
- Added “SharePoint group exists” condition.
- Updated “Create SharePoint group” activity. Added description for the group optional property.
- Updated “Copy List Item extended” activity. Added Trigger create event optional property.
- Fixed “Bulk Update” activities. Text after the first line break were deleted if set multiline text. Ex: Comment=[%Current item:Comment%]
3.5.3 (2011-06-20)
- Updated “Grant permission on List Item (Free)”, “Delete user permission assignment from List Item”, “Delete permission from List Item”. User Name property supports comma separator for multiple users/groups.
- Fixed “Send email …” activities if set email recipients from “People or Group” field.
- Fixed “System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file” when trying to use “Upload documents from folder” activity.
- Fixed minor bug with bulk update property if update lookup column.
3.5.1 (2011-06-09)
- Fixed System.NullReferenceException exception in “Web request” activity if could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.
3.5.0 (2011-06-08)
- Added “Create directory” activity. Creates all directories and subdirectories in the specified path.
- Added “Delete directory” activity. Deletes the specified directory and if indicated, any subdirectories and files in the directory.
- Added “Read text content from document” activity. Allows to read text content from SharePoint Document, List Item Attachment, Email body and store result in String variable.
- Added “Get current site property” activity. Returns value of current site property Ex: Url, PortalName, PortalUrl, HostName and etc.
- Added “Get current web property” activity. Returns value of current web property. Ex: Url, Name, Description, Created, Language and etc.
- Added “Get members of Active Directory group” activity. Returns members of Active Directory group.
- Added “File exists” (Free) condition. Determines whether the given path refers to an existing file on disk.
- Added “Directory exists” (Free) condition. Determines whether the given path refers to an existing directory on disk.
- Updated “Upload documents from folder” activity. Added “Keep original ‘Created’, ‘Last Modified’ and ‘Created and Last Modified’ date” property.
- Updated “Download documents to folder” activity. Added “Keep original ‘Created’, ‘Last Modified’ and ‘Created and Last Modified’ date” property.
- Update “Get Active Directory groups where user is member” activity. Added Distinguished Name Filter property.