Create Summary task


This activity creates a summary task and returns the summary task ID, which you can use as a parent task.

Note: This activity allows you to create child summary tasks for new elements. For example, a user creates “Summary Task 1,” and the workflow then creates “Summary Task 2” as a child of “Summary Task 1,” followed by “Summary Task 3” as a child of “Summary Task 2,” and so on.

SharePoint Workflow Designer Phrase

Create a new summary task this title from start date to due date in parent task with bulk update at this list URLTrigger create event: No. Store new task ID in variable.


this titleThe title of the task.
start dateThe start date of the task.
due dateThe due date of the task.
parent taskOptional. The parent task. You can specify the Parent Task ID or the path to the parent task. If left empty, a summary task will be created at the root level.
Summary Task 1\ Summary Task 2\ Summary Task 3
Summary Task 1/Summary Task 2/ Summary Task 3
this list URLThe full URL of the list.
bulk updateOptional. A bulk update string that includes field names and their respective values. Format as [FieldName1]=[Value1] … [FieldNameN]=[ValueN].

Use the vti_title field to update the title.
Use the ModerationInformation.Status field to update the content approval status for an item.
Use the ModerationInformation.Comment field to add a comment explaining why the item was approved or rejected.
Description=Test Description
Start Date=2010-12-10T12:30:00
Choice=My Choice #3
trigger create eventIndicates if the activity triggers an item creation event. The default value is No.
Note: Setting this to Yes may cause workflow activities to loop.

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