List settings


To find list settings in SharePoint On-Premises classic view, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the SharePoint list you want to modify.
  2. Look for the “List” tab in the ribbon at the top of the page.
  3. Click on the “List Settings” button in the ribbon.

FInd “Virto Bulk Edit Settings” in the right column and click it.

list settings bulk check in
Bulk Edit Settings

General Settings

  1. Always follow web settings:
    Enable this option to apply predefined web settings for all edits. When checked, individual settings cannot override web-level configurations.
  2. Fields:
    Select the columns you want to display in the edit form. Use the dropdown menu to choose from available fields, such as “Name” or “Title.”

View Settings

  1. Item Count:
    Define the maximum number of files displayed in the bulk edit interface (e.g., 33). Set 0 for no limit.
  2. Default View Type:
    Choose the default view type for displaying items during bulk editing. Options include:
    • Tree View: Displays items hierarchically.
    • Other available views (depending on configuration).
  3. Fields Used for Filter View:
    Specify fields that can be used for filtering views during bulk editing, such as “Name.”
  4. Enable CAML View:
    Activate this option to use CAML queries for advanced filtering and data retrieval.
  5. Enable Filter View:
    Enable this option to allow users to filter items based on specific field values.
  6. Show File Size:
    Check this option to display file sizes in the bulk edit interface.
  7. Item’s Title:
    Specify which field will be used as the title of an item (e.g., “Name”).
Virto Bulk Edit Settings
Virto Bulk Edit Settings

Other Settings:

  • Change Content Type:
    Use this option to set the default behavior when working with content types during bulk editing.
  • Enable Event Firing:
    Enable or disable workflow firing when items are edited in bulk. When enabled, workflows associated with edited items will trigger automatically.

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