The Virto SharePoint Calendar allows the use of query string parameters in the calendar page URL to open the Virto Calendar with the required data or view (or both).
The following parameters can be used in the URL:
- VCalCurDate
- VCalCurView
For example, to open the Virto Calendar on a specific date, use a page URL of the following format: http(s)://{calendar page url}?VCalCurDate=2024.10.10
(any date can be used instead of 2024.10.10)
To open the calendar in a required view, use a page URL as follows: http(s)://{calendar page url}?VCalCurView=day
(this could be month, week, etc., instead of day)
You can also open the Virto Calendar on a specific date and in the required view by using a page URL of the following format: http(s)://{calendar page url}?VCalCurDate=2010.10.10&VCalCurView=day
(any date and view can be used)