
Virto SharePoint Workflow Status Monitor is provided to display full single list of all business processes running on the site with status information (in progress/error occurred).

SharePoint is a flexible solution that helps to organize team working and resolve lots of management tasks using adjusted business processes. Generally standard solutions include dozens of business processes related to each other, and more complex solutions include hundreds and even thousands. The administrator’s task is to organize running of business processes without any failure.

A status of running business process can be tracked manually with opening each of items and business process within it. You can also display statuses of business processes as a special column in the list. However all of these features are not really appropriate since they do not allow you to see the whole picture through the site and perform batch operations with business processes (such as massive refreshing or terminating).

Virto SharePoint Workflow Status Monitor enables to display a full single list of all workflows running on the site and monitor their statuses.

Features List

Display of all workflows running on the sitev.1.0
Information about a list and an item where each workflow is runningv.1.0
Quick switch to workflow’s details viewv.1.0
General report with statuses of running workflow (general amount, error report)v.1.0
Wrong workflows are highlighted in redv.1.0
Ability to sort by any parameters (by list, item, date or status)v.1.0
High productivity (fast processing of more than 5000 workflows)v.1.0
Workflow auto termination (based on predefined terms and conditions)v.1.1
Manual and automatic restart of terminated workflowsv. 2.0
Can be used a s a separate web part on SharePoint site pagev. 2.0
Ability to set maximum quantity of displayed workflows in processv. 3.0
Added new license system. Added enterprise license.v. 3.0.1
Support of workflows 2013v. 3.0.1

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