This activity allows receiving user’s information from Active Directory and stores result in variable.
Input parameters
Parameter | Description | Example |
Site URL | Optional. Site URL where | https://contoso/SiteUrl; |
you want to run the workflow. Default value is current site URL. | https://contoso/Sites/SiteUrl;[%Workflow Context:Current Site URL%]/subSite | |
User | User e-mail or login name |, |
Variable | After successful workflow execution contains dictionary with user’s attributes from Azure AD.Dictionary has the following keys (case sensitive): City, CompanyName, Country, Department, DisplayName, FacsimileTelephoneNumber, GivenName, JobTitle, Mail, MailNickname, Mobile, OtherMails, PostalCode, PreferredLanguage, State, StreetAddress, Surname, TelephoneNumber,UserPrincipalName |