Create SharePoint group (SharePoint 2013)


Create SharePoint group (SharePoint 2013)

This activity adds a new SharePoint group to current site.

SharePoint Workflow Designer Phrase

Create SharePoint group with the following name, this description description at current site and make this user the owner, give the following permissions, only Group Members can view, only Group Owner can edit, add the following members.


Input parameters

The following groupName of the new SharePoint groupMy custom group, [%Variable:groupName%]
this descriptionOptional. Description ofthe new group.My custom group with custom permissions
Current siteOptional. The URL of a source SharePoint site. If the value field is empty,current site will be used.https://contoso/SiteUrl; https://contoso/Sites/SiteUrl;[%Workflow Context:Current Site URL%]/subSite
this userOptional. Single User login or Group name. The owner can change anything about the group such as adding and removing members or deleting the group. Only one user or group can be the owner. If user is empty, the user who created the Web site will be used.“user@domain”, “domain\user”. It allows multiple values separated by a semicolon.
the following permissionOptional. Permission level string. Multi permission assignments are supported. Use ‘,’ or ‘;’ separator togrant several permission.Approve, Read, View Only.
Group MembersSpecify who has permission to see the list of group members: Group Member(default) or Everyone.“user@domain”, “domain\user”. It allows multiple values separated by a semicolon.
Group OwnerSpecify who has permission to edit the list of group members: Group Owner(default) or Group Members“user@domain”, “domain\user”. It allows multiple values separated by a semicolon.
the following membersOptional. The members of the group. Use ‘,’ or ‘;’ separator to identifymultiple users.“DOMAIN\User_Alias; DOMAIN\User_Alias2”



Note: You can set permission level if the site is not inherited permissions from the site collection. Otherwise you would get “This operation is not allowed on an object that inherits permissions” error.

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