Update List Item


This activity updates the list item on any site. SharePoint Designer phrase


Input parameters

Item IDID of item for update If the value field is empty, current item ID will beused.Variable:ItemID
List identifierThe list where the item will be updated. The value could be list name, guid or list URL (the web site relative URL). If the value field is empty, current listwill be used.Documents[%Workflow Context: List ID %]/Lists/Tasks
FieldValuesDictionary contains data for update. You can specify fields using Display Name, Internal Name or GUID.[{ ‘Title’ : ‘New Item’ },{ ‘FieldName’ : ‘FieldValue’ }]
Site URLThe URL of a SharePoint site. If the value field is empty, current site will be used.https://contoso/SiteUrl; https://contoso/Sites/SiteUrl;[%Workflow Context:Current Site URL%]subSite
TriggerEventIndicates that activity triggers an item updateeventYes



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