Is User a member of an Active Directory group (Free)

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Is User a member of an Active Directory group (Free)

This condition checks that user is member of specified Active Directory group.

SharePoint Workflow Designer Phrase

If this user is a member of this group Active Directory group in this domain.


this userUser login name. Ex: “user@domain”, “domain\user” or “user”
this groupPath to existing user group.Supported formats:
– Full LDAP path “CN= group,OU=Test,DC=yourdomain,DC=local”
– Simple path from root with domain “yourdomain\test\group” or “yourdomain/test/group”
– Simple path from root without domain “test\group” or “test/group”,domain will be resolved automatically.
Use Active Directory Explorer ( us/sysinternals/bb963907.aspx) to get correct LDAP path.
this domainDomain name.

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