Start list workflow (SharePoint 2013)


Start list workflow (SharePoint 2013)

This activity starts list workflow on a chosen site.

SharePoint Workflow Designer Phrase

Start list workflow with the following name on current list on current list item on current site.


Input parameters

The following nameWorkflow name which you want tostart on siteMy custom workflow
current listOptional. List name or id which you want to start workflow for. If empty current listwill be used.Full list url
Ex: http://mysharepoint/MyDocs/Shared%20Documents 
Ex: http://mysharepoint/Lists/List%20with%20Approve
current list itemOptional. List item or id which you want to start workflow for. If emptycurrent listFull list item url
Ex: http://mysharepoint/MyDocs/Shared%20Documents/MSOMS.pdf 
Ex: http://mysharepoint/Lists/List%20with%20Approve/1_.000
Ex: http://mysharepoint/Lists/List%20with%20Approve/DispForm.aspx?ID=1 
item will beused.
current siteOptional.
Site where you want to start workflow. If empty current site url will be used.
https://contoso/SiteUrl; https://contoso/Sites/SiteUrl;
[%Workflow Context:Current Site URL%]/subSite



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