How to grant access to Virto Calendar for external users

The best way to give access to your Virto Calendar is through SharePoint. You can add an external user to your SharePoint site and provide them access to view or edit the calendar there.

First, go to the SharePoint site you'd like to share.

Once there, click the "Members" button.

Then click "Add members". In a pop up find the "go to Outlook" hint and click it.

In your Outlook that opens, click "See all members".

Then click "Add members" on the right side of the screen.

Provide the email address of the external user with whom you wish to share the site. Click "Add" once done.

The external user will receive an email invitation to access the site (by clicking "Go to SharePoint" in the email).

They will need to log in with their email and provide a single-use code they will get from Microsoft via email and accept the permission request.

Users can view the site and its content, including calendars hosted on this particular site.

Users will only see (and edit, if allowed) the Virto Calendars on a site they're permitted to view – they won't have access to all the calendars your organization may have within the same tenant.

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