Have you just installed Virto Kanban Board App to your SharePoint site but aren’t sure what the next step is? We are here to help you get started.
Go to the SharePoint site page where you would like to add the Virto Kanban Board App and switch to edit mode.
Click the plus icon to add a new web part in column one.
Add "Kanban Board" and remember to republish the page.
If you see the permissions request, click "Login to Azure AD."
Click the checkbox for “Consent on behalf of your organization” and then click “Accept.” If you do not have administrator rights, ask your tenant administrator to complete this step.
Now, you can create your first kanban board. To do so, click “Create new board.”
You have three options: create a quick board, use an existing SharePoint list, or use a template. Let us create a quick board.
Specify a name for the first board and click “Create new board.”
Now you will see a board containing four columns and one task.
Every board uses a SharePoint list (or multiple lists) as a data source. When you create a quick board, the list with all the necessary fields and preferences is created automatically.
Now, let us create a new task.
Fill in the task form and save the task (by clicking “Save & Close”).
The new task will appear on your board. You can drag and drop it to change its status.
Here is your first kanban board! Later on, you can tune it as you wish using the edit board button.
Book a free 15-minute meeting with our technical team if you have any setup, features, or pricing questions.
The Virto Kanban Board App visualizes and manages tasks in SharePoint and Microsoft Teams. Using this component, you can display any SharePoint list as a kanban board dividing tasks represented by individual cards into columns and swimlanes (usually according to their status) and showing tasks to be done in a backlog column. With this visual task management method, managers can quickly identify bottlenecks and blockers, spending less time sorting out how projects are progressing.
Open the SharePoint site where you want to add the Virto Kanban Board app and choose “App” in the “New” drop-down menu.
Search for "kanban" and find the Virto Kanban Board App by in the list of available apps in the SharePoint store.
Click on the "Kanban Board Pro by Virto" app.
Click "Add to Apps site."
Then, the “Confirm data access” window will pop up. Virto Kanban Board App can be added to all tenant sites (second option) or just allowed to be added by a SharePoint administrator (first option).
If you choose the first option ("Only enable this app"), you will need to add an app to each site where you want to use it.
Note: if you use the Virto Calendar App and have already given permission to this app, you won't need to do it for Virto Kanban Board App.
Now, you can add the app to your SharePoint site, just like you add any other app.
If you see the permissions request once you have installed the Virto Kanban Board App, click "Login to Azure AD."
Click the checkbox for “Consent on behalf of your organization” and then click “Accept.” If you do not have administrator rights, ask your tenant administrator to complete this step.
When you have installed the Virto Kanban Board App to your SharePoint site, you can add it to site pages as a web part. Open the page where you would like to add the Virto Kanban Board App and switch to edit mode.
Click “Add a new web part.”
Search for "Kanban Board" and select it.
Republish the page.
The Virto Kanban Board App will now be available on the chosen SharePoint site.
You can manage licenses in the license center block of the settings. To open it, click the gear icon in the upper-right corner and choose the “License center” tab.
You can use the license center block to:
check the license status
manage the subscription (renew or upgrade it)
add licenses to users or delete licenses
add or delete individual license admins or SharePoint groups
Assigning a license does not assign user permission to the boards. A user can have a license without having access to the board if you set it up that way in the admin panel.
The complete list of users with licenses is displayed in the “Users with a license” list (scroll down in the “License center” tab to find it). You can add SharePoint user groups in this field. In addition, you will see the list of users, not a group name. You can insert numerous SharePoint groups here. Each user will only be added once, so you do not need to worry about duplicates.
Enable the "Auto-assign license" feature to assign users a license automatically when they try to access the Virto Kanban Board App for the first time.
If you have an enterprise license, the “Users with a license” field does not appear because there is no license limit in this case.
The slider on the right highlights users of your organization who last used the Virto Kanban Board App some time ago. You can move the slider to change the time and determine whether users are inactive (they will be highlighted in red) and how long it has been since they last used the tool.
You can also export the user list in CSV format. The list will contain the licensed users' names, their email, and their last login time.
License managers can be added/deleted in the “License managers” block at the bottom of the license center. If the field is empty, everyone has access to license management.
This is done to simplify the migration of the existing boards into the new permissions model.
License management is available only for the users added to the “License managers” field. Here are five things about license management to keep in mind:
A license manager is not obliged to have a license. The first person handling the subscription becomes a license manager. This person can also add other users or SharePoint groups as license managers.
If the license manager field is empty, everyone has access. The probability of this event is very low because of the special precautions taken. If at least one license manager is added, you cannot delete them from the field. If you delete the last license manager upon saving your changes, you will again be added as a license manager. This is done to avoid the accidental deletion of all license managers.
If at least one user is added to the license manager field and someone is trying to access the license center, they will see the message below and should request access from the license manager.
If you are not a license manager, you can find license managers in the “License managers” block of the license center (in the “Add and delete license managers” field).
If you accidentally lose the license admin permissions, you can request them back from any current license admin. For this purpose, the gear icon is always displayed. You will only see the list of admins if you are not a license admin.
To open the permission settings, use the gear icon in the upper-right corner and open the “Admin panel” tab.
For new users/accounts or while installing the trial version, the admin panel menu will open for the subscription administrator. The administrator is shown in the “Admin panel managers” field.
If you were the admin in the previous permissions version, you will be added as an admin panel manager.
With the new permission model, you can no longer delete the last admin panel manager. The current user will be automatically added to “Admin panel managers” upon refresh.
The admin panel settings page has two blocks: "Global settings" and "Individual board permissions."
You cannot access this block of settings if you are not added to the admin panel managers list. If you see the following notification, please contact one of the admin panel managers. They can provide you with access.
If you accidentally lost admin panel permissions, request it back from any of the current admin panel managers (use the gear icon in the upper-right corner and open “Admin panel”).
Global settings define what actions will be available for general users for the Virto Kanban Board App.
The “User avatars” setting allows using avatars from SharePoint or Office 365.
The “Tenant storage location” field displays the storage location of data needed to create the board layout. Please note that we do not store your board content on our side. Everything is kept on your SharePoint instance in Microsoft Cloud.
The “Default user permissions” field shows permissions set by default. For the accounts currently using Virto Kanban Board App, the default permission is set to “Edit” to provide compatibility. It has a “No access” value when installed and “Edit” when the app is updated.
The “Admin panel managers” field allows you to add people who can manage the admin panel.
Remember to click “Save” if you have made any changes to the global settings to apply them.
This block consists of two fields for entering data and a search button. When you click “Filter,” the table with search results is displayed.
This field is designed to allow fast editing of multiple boards.
The table consists of four columns as follows:
Site collection with a hyperlink to the site collection
Board name with a hyperlink to the board that opens in a separate window
Board admins with users having access to board settings. There is a checkbox “Everyone can edit settings” in every cell of this column. If no selected users are in this field, the checkbox is checked by default. If the checkbox is unchecked, the field is active and available for editing. When a new board is created, every user under whose name it is added appears in the “Board admins” field.
Default user permissions are displaying the default access settings predefined for this board.
When any changes are made to the “Board admins” or “Default user permissions” columns, the “Save” button will appear next to the changed field. Click it to save the changes in the table.
The following types of board permissions are available:
No access—users with “no access” cannot view or edit boards or lists. If they try to open the board page, an “access denied” message appears: “You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource.”
View only—“view only” users can view the boards, cards, attached files, history, and charts. These users cannot create, delete, or clone cards.
Edit—users with “edit” permission can view, add, edit, clone, and delete board elements (cards and attachments). They can also view history and charts.
Edit only own tasks — this permission setting allows users to manage (view, edit, add, clone, and delete) assigned cards. They can view the boards, cards, attached files, history, and charts.
Pay attention to the default user permissions. If you are a board admin, you can override them for a specific board.
In addition to individual board permissions, you can specify detailed permissions for the boards. You can open the detailed permissions settings in two ways.
First, click the edit settings icon next to the required board in the boards list.
Then open the “Advanced Setup” tab and scroll down to “Permissions.”
When on the board page, click the edit board icon next to the board title.
Then open the “Advanced Setup” tab and scroll down to “Permissions” as described above. Here is how the full block of detailed board permissions looks.
Use the “Everyone can edit settings” checkbox to provide access to the settings for all users.
The “Boards admin” field defines users who have access to the board settings.
Here, you can see the same “Default user permissions” field with the same values you would see in the admin panel. You can add SharePoint groups to these fields or select a default access level for all licensed users.
Here are the types of detailed permissions for individual boards.
Edit—users with “edit” permission have full access to manage all the board tasks. They can edit all the board content but do not have access to the board settings.
View only—users with defined “view only” permission can view the board, cards, attached files, history, and charts but cannot change them.
No access—users with “no access” permission cannot view or edit the board, cards, charts, or history. This field has higher priority than others.
Edit only own tasks—if this permission is selected, the user can edit only their tasks (except users with “edit” permission) by default. They can create a task but cannot assign it to someone else.
Only board admins can delete boards.
A user can only be added to a single content permissions field (edit, edit only own tasks, view only, or no access). If a user is added to a field and is already selected in another field, an error is displayed: “User permissions are already specified.” You can assign them to edit, edit only own tasks, view only, or no access by adding the user to the corresponding list.
If you are an existing customer and your board is being migrated, the board owner may not be known. In these cases, we automatically enable the “Everyone can edit settings” checkbox.
Customizing user permissions in Virto Kanban Board App makes it possible to define which app users, groups of users, departments, or divisions can access information. By defining the permissions, you can set who can and cannot see the information.
Creating per-board permissions and define default user permissions for your tenant or your specific board is also possible. Default permissions define the board permissions of a user with a license if their permissions are not configured individually.
User permissions can enable users to carry out the following actions:
view information
edit information
manage settings
To understand the logic of the Virto Kanban Board App permissions, please remember that the app visualizes the information that is stored in your SharePoint list. To edit information on the board, the user must have permission to edit and save the respective SharePoint list item.
Though the Virto Kanban Board App permissions cannot exceed or override SharePoint user permissions, they can give you unprecedented flexibility and enable you to bring new essential scenarios to life.
There are three roles in the Virto Kanban Board App:
License Manager
Board Admin
Users with default or defined board permissions
There are three options for creating a new Kanban board.
From an existing SharePoint list—here, you need to choose a list you wish to use as a data source for your board. A task list is usually used for a Kanban board, but you can use any custom list from SharePoint. If any required fields are missing, you can add them in the board settings.
By creating a quick board—if you don’t know which list to choose or don't have an appropriate list already, you can create a quick board. This way, the system automatically creates the list with all the necessary fields and preferences.
From a board template—the Virto Kanban Board App supports saving board templates. You can then use these templates when you create a new board.
Use the quick board feature when creating a new board quickly. The SharePoint list with all the necessary fields and preferences will be created automatically.
To create a quick board, open the “Boards” list at the top of any kanban board and click “Create new board.”
Select the “Quick Board” option.
Specify the name for the new board, and click “Create new board.”
A list with the same name as the new board will also be created. You can see the demo task and default set of columns on the newly created board.
To change and adjust the board settings as needed, click the edit board icon next to the board name.
See "List setup," "Board setup," "Card setup," and "Advanced setup" sections to find detailed information about Kanban board settings.
Quick boards have swimlanes organized by a project by default. You can change it by choosing the desired view from the "View by" drop-down menu. Read more about how to work with swimlanes when creating a quick board in the Swimlanes section.
You can use existing SharePoint lists to create a new board. To do so, 0pen the “Boards” list on the top of any kanban board and click “Create new board.”
Select the “Configure board for existing list(s)” option.
Specify the board name and click “Open lists picker.”
Choose the list for your board and click "Save."
List Setup is the first tab to adjust if you . To change the settings for a current board, click the edit board icon next to its name.
In the “List Setup” tab, you can change the board name, add a description (optional), and choose a SharePoint list (or multiple lists) from a site collection. This list contains the data that will be displayed on the Kanban board.
You can restrict the access on the current SharePoint site by selecting "Make Booard accessible on the current Site only."
To choose a list or multiple lists, click "Open lists picker."
In the lists picker, choose the site collection and the list(s).
You can pick multiple lists and combine them into a single board. The chosen lists are clickable and be displayed in SharePoint if required.
Use search if you cannot find the list you need.
Click "Save" to save the settings before you move to another tab.
Swimlanes visualize different work classes as horizontal lanes on the board; you can group tasks by a chosen swimlane field such as by assignee, project, department, or priority. You can change the swimlane field directly on the board.
The Swimlanes settings are also found in the "Board setup" tab.
Any tasks that do not fit within other swimlanes’ conditions are automatically placed in the default swimlane.
If the list field contains multiple values, such as choice, multichoice, user, lookup, or boolean, it can be used as a swimlane field.
You can define the default sorting for swimlanes and apply various preferences with checkboxes.
The “Allow to drag tasks between swimlanes” checkbox allows you to move a task between swimlanes. The task will change the corresponding field in the source list accordingly. For example, if a project field defines the swimlane, it will be changed to another project.
The “Allow to change task value by moving item to default swimlane” checkbox allows you to change a task's value after you move it to the default swimlane. If this checkbox is selected, you can choose a new value after moving the task or leaving the field.
The “Hide empty swimlanes” option allows you to hide swimlanes that don’t contain any tasks. You can show them again using the button on the board header.
The “Separated columns scroll for multiple swimlanes” option allows you to scroll through the columns of multiple swimlanes separately.
If you tick the checkbox “Dynamic swimlanes,” the values will be taken from the list without the ability to customize them. This feature may be helpful if the swimlanes set of your source list is always being changed. In this case, you won’t need to change the swimlanes settings in the Virto Kanban Board App—the swimlanes will be added or deleted automatically. If you always use a special set of swimlanes for this board, you can disable this option and customize the swimlanes more flexibly.
The “Add swimlane for tasks without defined value of the field used as swimlane” option adds a default swimlane for the tasks with values that do not fit within the current swimlanes (for example, if their value field is empty). These tasks will be placed within this default swimlane.
It is also possible to rename the default swimlane, collapse it by default, and select columns used in a total count.
The “Display tasks total count for swimlanes” option allows you to count the number of tasks in selected swimlane columns. You can tick the required columns to use them to calculate the total number of tasks.
Usually, columns visualize the workflow across the Kanban board, though you may have your own concept and apply another field for columns.
To do so, open the “Set of columns” drop-down list to generate columns for your Kanban board. The field you select must be of the “choice” type (providing a menu to choose from).
When you have assigned a field for columns, all choice values (that is, all menu options) from this field will be displayed as columns. You can now choose the exact columns that will be displayed on the board.
Click “…” next to a column name to define the position of the column (by moving it left or right) or delete it.
By default, all the available columns are added to the board. The “Insert left” and “Insert right” options from this drop-down list allow you to re-add the previously deleted columns.
You can specify a custom title for each column.
The column name will stay the same in the list.
Additionally, you can set the maximum number of tasks permitted in a column.
If you click "Add total," you can create rules for counting tasks in a column.
The Virto Kanban Board App supports creating boards from templates. Open the “List Setup” tab in the board settings (click the edit board icon next to the board name to access the settings) and scroll down to the “Templates” block.
There are three options for using board templates:
Save the board as a template (save a KBOT file to your disc according to the chosen fields)
Export board settings (save a KBOJ file to your disc with the current board settings)
Import board settings (select a file from your disc to load previously saved settings)
To save the current board as a template, click “Save the board as a template.“ Select the fields you would like to export and pay close attention to those not included. If you check the “Include content” box, the board template will save the content and list fields and structure.
Export rules
You can only create a template from a board if it is based on a single list.
Not all fields can be added to the template. For example, external lookup fields cannot be exported. You can see the exact list of fields that cannot be exported from the board in your export window.
You can include up to 50 cards in the template. For this purpose, subtasks are counted as separate cards.
You can exclude the content and only import list fields and structure.
Make a preview before you complete the export by clicking “Preview data.”
Finally, save the generated file to your disc by clicking "Export to file."
You can also create a new board using a template. Start making a new board and click “Create new board” on the boards page.
Now click “Create from a template.”
Choose the previously saved template file from your disc and start working.
Once you create a board based on a template, you can customize it to meet your specific business needs. This way, you can work with templates by saving any board settings and content and using the previously saved files to add a new board quickly.
Then, navigate between all the tabs and adjust the board as described in the "," "," "," and "" sections.
The "List setup" tab also contains the "Board templates" block described in the "" section.
The "Board Setup" tab contains basic board settings. Continue adjusting your new board or change the current board settings here.
You can choose list views for each list to filter tasks on the board.
Continue your board adjustment in the “Cards Setup” tab. All the settings related to Kanban cards and creating or editing forms are found here.
You can customize task information and card appearance in the “Task Information” settings block.
Choose a field to be displayed as a task title. You can add any list field to display on the board (for example, task or project name).
A card title may contain up to three list fields.
Then, select the field that contains the users assigned to the task.
You can select a date field to display on the bottom of a card. For example, you can display the due date field to track overdue tasks on your board or use the start date.
The card size of the tasks on your board can be adjusted to small, medium, or large to match the board design.
You can choose which fields to show on every card in the Card fields settings. Tick the “Hide empty fields” checkbox to hide fields with no values.
Labels in Virto Kanban Board App are color-coded tags on Kanban cards.
The label values are taken from a custom multi-choice column added to your Kanban list. If you navigate to a list (“List settings”), you can see these fields and their values.
You do not have to work with the source SharePoint list settings in Virto Kanban Board App to adjust labels. Specify label names and choose appropriate colors for them.
You can specify your task cards' body color, border color, and font color. Virto Kanban Board App provides default styles, but you can also create your own custom styles.
You can set custom conditions and color-code tasks according to condition rules. There are four suggested style rules already set up for you. You can deactivate or adjust these style rules (use the reset button to apply the new rule).
To create a new condition, click “Add style rule.”
If you create multiple style rules and a task matches more than one rule, only the first rule will be applied. You can drag and drop rules to change the priority order.
When you click a card on your Kanban board, its task view form opens. You can switch between "Short view" and a "Full view" for the selected card.
In the “Cards Setup” tab of the settings, you can choose which fields to display for both views.
If you tick the “Open form by double click” checkbox, you can open the full view by double-clicking the card without first opening the short view and then switching to full view.
The Virto Kanban Board App allows adding fields to a custom list when creating a board from an existing list.
When you choose a list and reach the “Task information” step (in the “Cards Setup” tab), look at the fields—some are already selected, and others are not.
Select the relevant fields for the visual date, the comments to be added to the cards, and the labels. If the list does not contain an appropriate field, click “Add new field” next to it—no need to navigate to the list settings and add fields. You can create a board and add the required fields right away.
Next, specify the name of your field and save it. Tick the checkbox “Require that this field contains information” if necessary.
The added field will appear. If required, complete the same steps for the other fields. For comments and labels, you can, for example, create fields of type "multichoice."
The option to add fields is available for all users with the relevant permission level.
Ensure you have enabled the version history for your chosen list by ticking the checkbox. The version history is required for the comment field.
You can use both default and custom filters for tasks.
Click “Add filter” and define the custom conditions. Check the “is enabled by default” box to apply the filter to the default board view.
You can copy or delete a filter using the icons to the right.
You can define board admin, set default permissions, and determine which users have edit, view-only, or no access rights.
For detailed permission information, see the Virto Kanban Board App permissions section.
The built-in Notification functionality will be disabled as of March 20, 2023. If you want to set up notifications in the Virto Kanban Board App, use the Virto Alerts & Reminder App. More info: Alerts and Reminders
The Virto Kanban Board App has a built-in alert system. You can create email notifications about board changes or use the default alerts. Create conditions and define the list of users who will receive email notifications related to these changes.
There are four default notifications, as shown below.
These notifications have a customizable message body.
You can allow users to unsubscribe from these alerts.
You can also deactivate or enhance these notifications with additional information (use the reset button to apply a new notification form).
The Virto Kanban Board App supports using five flexible charts to analyze board activities. You can decide which charts to show and define which users can access them.
If you want to set up notifications in the Virto Kanban Board App, use the Virto Alerts & Reminder App. The built-in notification functionality will be disabled as of March 23, 2023.
Current Kanban Board Pro users can download and install the Virto Alerts & Reminder App for free (click the "Get your free trial" button).
It is entirely free for Virto Kanban Board App users: your trial period will be automatically extended.
New users will have the Virto Alerts & Reminder App included in their Virto Kanban Board App subscription.
Watch the video instructions on getting started with the Alerts and Reminders app.
Read the article or watch the video to learn how to alert about changes on a Kanban board in Microsoft Teams.
Additional options are placed into this block of settings.
Here, you can determine whether to show or hide the “Add new task” button, specify the name for the add task button, allow task actions on the board (including drag and drop), turn on the subtask mode, and enable the dark theme for the Virto Kanban Board App in Microsoft Teams.
Open the Virto Alerts & Reminder App and click "Add Alert" on the ribbon.
Select the Kanban board list from a drop-down menu and give a name to your new alert.
Select "Assigned To" in the Recipients tab.
Next, add your subject text.
To ensure the recipient sees the alert immediately, include "Task Name" and "List Title" field values. To do this, click the "Add field value" icon.
Choose "Task Name" in the drop-down menu.
Then click the "Add tag" icon.
Choose "List Title" in the drop-down menu and click "Add."
Then, move to the message body. Erase the template and write your text. Then click the "Add complex link" icon.
Choose "Task Name" and "Display Item URL" from the drop-down menu and click "Add."
This is what you should get.
Click "Preview" in the lower left corner.
If you are satisfied with the outcome, your alert is ready.
If you want the user to receive a table with all the current values of the item (like in the example below), you need to add another tag to the email.
To set up this table, click the "Add tag" icon.
Choose "All fields values" in the drop-down menu.
Go to the Options tab. In Filter items, select "Use condition(s);" in Field, select "Assigned To;" in Operator, select "has been changed." Click "Save."
Now, each time the "Assigned To" field changes, the particular user will receive a notification with the name and task link.
Each board has a direct link. You can share it with team members or add it to a quick launch on your SharePoint site.
Click the copy icon on the board header to copy the board link to your clipboard.
You can also copy the link for a task.
To change a task's value (usually the status), drag and drop it to the required column.
You can also drag and drop tasks between swimlanes. If, for example, the priority field is chosen for swimlanes, dragging and dropping a task to another swimlane will change its priority.
Complete the board adjustment using the “Advanced Setup” settings block. This is not required but may be useful in most cases.
Use the hide empty swimlanes icon to hide all that do not currently contain tasks.
Using the relevant icon, you can collapse or show all the swimlanes at once.
You can switch swimlanes directly on the board to view tasks grouped in swimlanes. There is no need to open the settings and make modifications—choose the desired swimlane field from the drop-down menu.
Quick boards have swimlanes organized by a project by default. You can change it by choosing the desired view from the "View by" drop-down menu.
If you want to create a new project, create a new task and type the name of your new project at the bottom of the task card.
Click "Save & Close".
Here is what swimlanes look like, viewed by project (you can hide or expand them by clicking the "+" or "-" icon to the left of the project name):
In the board's settings, you can edit swimlane names and tick the box to collapse the swimlane by default.
Use the “Add task” button to add new tasks to a board.
If multiple lists are added to the board, select the list to which the task should belong.
You can also use “+” to add a task directly to a column or swimlane.
Team members can leave comments on the board tasks. To add a new comment, double-click the comments icon in the task card.
The “Comments” tab will open in the task form. Leave a comment here.
To adjust the board correctly, you need to know how the different types of fields correspond to future board card fields. This is especially important when merging multiple lists into a single board.
The "Available Content Types” drop-down menu in the list settings allows you to select the lists containing the chosen content type. The “Task” content type is the most appropriate for a Kanban board and usually contains all fields required for board creation.
To use swimlanes, please check that the SharePoint list contains fields with several values, such as “Choice,” “Multichoice,” “User,” “Lookup,” or “Boolean.” Check for a “Multiple Lines of Text” type column to use comments. This field will be used to keep comments on the list.
If the required fields are not in your SharePoint list, you can add them to the card settings.
Finally, you can always create a quick board with all the necessary fields and preferences added automatically.
Click a task to view its details. You can switch between the short view and the full view.
You can edit card fields underlined with a dotted line directly on the board without opening the form.
If you change "% complete" to 100, the task will be automatically moved to the "Completed" column.
You can clone a task to copy its details by clicking the "Clone task" icon in the task form.
Attachments and images cannot be transferred to a cloned task.
Task history is available in the task view form.
Ensure the “Item Version History” option is enabled in the SharePoint list versioning settings.
This way, you can track the task’s history and see all the changes.
Any changes to attachments and pictures are not displayed in either the task or board history.
You can use subtasks to split tasks and work on them step by step.
Go to the “Advanced Setup” tab and tick the “Enable Subtask/Checklist” checkbox to start using subtasks.
If you check the box “Allow multilevel," you can create subtasks for subtasks.
Now, click “Add new subtask.”
Next, click on "Add new subtask."
Fill out the form and save the subtask.
The subtask will appear in the list of subtasks.
Additionally, you can choose an existing task as a subtask instead of creating a new one. To do this, type the task ID or the title into the “Add existing task” search box to find it.
Task lists use the Parent ID field by default, but you can use any other lookup field.
The parent ID field is used for quick boards because they are made for task lists, providing maximum compatibility with tools like Microsoft Project or Gantt.
If your board is created from a custom SharePoint list, it may not contain the Parent ID field (as it is usually done by default for task list functionality). In this case, you should add at least one lookup field for proper work of parent-child task relations in order to use the subtask mode.
When you create a quick board, the source task list is created automatically. It already contains the Parent ID lookup field required for using the subtask mode.
On your Kanban board, subtasks will also display the name of their parent task on a blue background. In the example below, you can see two subtasks of the “Collect the contacts” task.
You can track how many subtasks the parent task has with the subtask counter. It will appear on a card when you enable subtasks for the board. In this example, “1/2” means that the parent task has two subtasks, one of which has already been completed.
You can edit subtasks directly on the parent task’s card. Just switch to the “Subtasks” tab, make the required changes, and save them.
Use the Subtasks feature when tasks need to be split into smaller steps or when you wish to add a checklist.
Click “Boards” at the top of the board to view all the Kanban boards created on your SharePoint site.
You can add more boards, remove those that are no longer needed, or use the star icon to mark your most-used boards as favorites.
Edit board settings from this view or from within the board view by clicking the "Edit settings" icon on the right of the board name.
You can also view the boards as a list by clicking the icon in the upper-right corner.
The Virto Kanban Board App supports making reports for your boards in a chart view. To open the chart view, click the charts icon in the upper-right corner.
Here you can see task statistics displayed in five graphs: “Status," “Assigned to," “Completion," “Burndown," and “Lead Time.”
This pie chart shows tasks grouped by status. In the drop-down menu, select the field you need to analyze, such as the due date, the time period to analyze, and the unit as number of tasks, percentage, or budget. You can save this chart as an image.
This graph shows tasks grouped by assignees. It works similarly to the "Status" chart. For example, you can display the board members who modified tasks over the last month.
Use the "Completion" chart to see tasks completed on time or late. Since the data displayed in the chart comes from the SharePoint source list, completed tasks may also be in other columns, such as “Deferred” or “Need someone else.” You can add these to your report as well.
The “Completion” chart shows only tasks with a due date set. If a task has no due date, it does not appear here on this chart.
You can export the chart to a CSV file to see the "Completion" report in detail. In this format, you can sort the tasks and, for instance, see the team members responsible for the overdue tasks.
Use the "Burndown by tasks" chart to display the work remaining. The graph is created automatically according to the tasks remaining on the board. Simply choose the desired period to analyze the efficiency.
The lead time chart measures the total time elapsed from the creation of work items to their completion.
You can save your board as a PDF by clicking the "Save as PDF" icon in the upper-right corner and choosing the required format. You can also share or print this file.
The Virto Kanban Board App can be added as a separate tab to Microsoft Teams to avoid switching between applications to manage your team tasks.
You can create and manage tasks as usual in Teams and adjust the board settings in SharePoint. Although Kanban board customization is only available in the SharePoint environment, you can display and manage the board’s tasks in Teams without access to settings.
The Kanban boards in Teams inherit the user permissions from SharePoint and are invisible to external Teams users. To add a board to Teams, open the channel and click “+.”
Find the Virto Kanban Board App and click on it.
Now click “Add.”
Choose a board you wish to add and save the settings.
Now, you have a full-featured Kanban board in a separate tab of the Teams channel.
You can apply the dark theme for Kanban boards in Teams. Right-click the Teams icon in the tray to open the Teams settings and choose the dark theme.
The screen will switch to dark mode.
Now, open the Teams channel to which you have added the Virto Kanban Board App as a separate tab (also see “How to Install Virto Kanban Board for Microsoft Teams” for more).
The Kanban board will now be displayed in dark mode.
If the board is somehow not synchronized to the Teams theme, open the board settings ("Advanced Setup") and ensure you have the checkbox “Use Microsoft Teams theme” ticked.
The Virto Kanban Board App is compatible with mobile devices. While maintaining the same features, the board adjusts to the different device parameters.
Last Updated: June 9, 2023
This Privacy Policy explains how the Virto Kanban Board App by Virto ("We," "Us," or "Our") collects, uses, shares, and protects user information. It also explains your rights and choices about such use and sharing and your ability to control your privacy settings.
Please note that this Privacy Policy only applies to the Virto Kanban Board App (the "Service") and not to any other services, websites, or applications, even if they are accessible through our Service.
When you use the Service, we collect the following types of data:
Personal Identifier such as your email address. We neither store personal information nor a password. The stored data can be deleted upon request.
Usage Data, such as device information, IP address, and usage statistics.
Support Information when you interact with our support team.
We do not collect sensitive personal data unless you provide it voluntarily.
If you have data storage and security concerns, please refer to our .
We use the information we collect to:
Provide and personalize the Service.
Improve and optimize the Service.
Communicate with you about the Service, including support services.
Monitor and analyze trends, usage, and activities connected with the Service.
We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your Identifiers to outside parties. We may share your information:
With service providers who perform services on our behalf.
As required by law or requested by governmental or law enforcement authorities.
If necessary, to protect the safety, rights, or property of the Virto Kanban Board App, its users, or the public.
In the subscription administration interface, you can select where your data will be stored. There are currently two default locations: the Western USA and Western Europe.
If you do not choose a location, your data will be stored in the default location of the Western US. It is important to note that we do not track your location, so it is your responsibility to ensure that your data storage location complies with relevant legislation.
We use appropriate physical, technical, and administrative security measures to protect your data. Despite these measures, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our Service.
You may review, update, or delete the Personal Identifiers by logging into your account and visiting your account settings page. You may also contact us if you wish to deactivate your account or have any privacy-related questions.
Our Service is not directed to individuals under 16. We do not knowingly collect Personal Identifiers from children under 16. If we become aware that a child under 16 has provided us with Personal Identifiers, we will take steps to delete such information.
We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at support@virtosoftware.com.
Please review the following license agreement before installing or using the Virto Kanban Board App software product and/or its related materials.
Definitions: This UAB VirtoSoftware End User Software License Agreement (“EULA”) is a legal agreement between you (either as an individual user, corporation, or single entity) and UAB VirtoSoftware for the Virto Kanban Board App product, which includes software and may include associated media, printed materials, and “online” or electronic documentation (“SOFTWARE PRODUCT” or “SOFTWARE”). By exercising your rights to install the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA, including the limitations and warranty disclaimers.
The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws, international copyright treaties, and other intellectual property laws and treaties.
This is a license agreement and NOT an agreement for sale. VirtoSoftware retains ownership of the SOFTWARE. VirtoSoftware retains all rights not expressly granted to you in this LICENSE. VirtoSoftware hereby grants to you, and you accept, a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use, copy, and modify the SOFTWARE only as authorized below.
Accepted EULA grants you the following rights:
Application License: You are granted a license to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on an Office 365 tenant, and you are limited by the number of licensed users for a paid subscription period.
All titles and copyrights in and to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT (including but not limited to any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, text, and “applets” incorporated into the SOFTWARE PRODUCT), the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT are owned by UAB VirtoSoftware. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by EU copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Therefore, you must treat the SOFTWARE PRODUCT like any other copyrighted material.
NO WARRANTIES. UAB VirtoSoftware expressly disclaims any warranty for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT and any related documentation is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. The entire risk arising from the use or performance of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT remains with you.
The following filtering options are available for Kanban Board: search, sorting, and more specific condition filters.
The search bar allows you to show only tasks matching any entered task values (text, numbers, and symbols) displayed on cards.
If you enable task sorting according to a specified field in the settings block, you can apply this filter on the Kanban board header to sort tasks in ascending and descending order according to the selected field.
Click the filter icon in the upper-right corner to open filters.
Select the required list view from the drop-down menu to filter tasks on the board. This option is available only if the view filter is adjusted in the settings.
You can use custom condition filters created in the app settings (in the “Advanced Setup” block) or create a new filter from the board view using the edit button next to “Filters.”
Define the filter parameters according to your needs.
Use the “Clear filters” button to clear your applied filters.
It is possible to enable this new filter by default. If you tick the “is enabled by default” checkbox, all users will see the filter. If you do not enable this option, the filter will be saved as a personal filter and available only to its creator.
If you have multiple lists on the board, this filter allows you to sort tasks by the list they belong to and other conditions.
You can filter tasks by board members or use the list filter to see the assigned tasks.
The filters selected from the menu use AND condition, and filters by user use OR condition.
Use the full-featured Virto Kanban Board App during the 30-day trial period. When the trial period is over, you may still use the Virto Kanban Board Pro App for free for up to three users.
Virto Kanban Board App is licensed depending on the number of users with edit and read-only permissions.
For example, you plan to let ten users work with the Virto Kanban Board App. Two of them will have edit rights, and eight of them will have read-only rights. You need to purchase ten licenses for all Kanban Board Pro users, even though some of them will have read-only rights.
The minimum purchase for the Virto Kanban Board App is 20 users.
Virto Kanban Board App has a built-in auto-assign system. When a user without a license is trying to access the app, they can get the license automatically if there are some purchased unassigned licenses. The feature is not activated by default. You can enable it in the "License center" of the Virto Kanban Board App settings.
Please find the detailed description in "License management." The information about all Virto Kanban Board App editions can be found on the product page.
You can use the Virto Kanban Board App as a part of Virto One Cloud. Virto One Cloud has three editions: standard, professional, and ultimate. The Virto Kanban Board App is included in all of them.
The minimum purchase for Virto One Cloud is 50 users.
Book a free 15-minute meeting with our technical team if you have any setup, features, or pricing questions.
submit a support ticket
write us: support@virtosoftware.com
call us: +1 (877) 892-7775 (from 9 am-5 pm M-F PST)
Please take a look at our partner programs or write partner@virtosoftware.com.
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At VirtoSoftware, we understand that the security of your data is of utmost importance, which is why we use state-of-the-art security measures to keep your information safe. Our data storage and security framework fully corresponds with Microsoft's data protection standards: check the .
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