Select the hour (from which each day will start) and the end hour. Select the number of rows and time labels displayed per hour. Enter the row height (20 px is recommended) and the overall calendar height. If you need to display more events in the calendar grid, you can assign a greater row height.
It is possible to adjust the calendar grid height in the Multiday View, Month View, and Year View settings. The default calendar height in the Multiday view is 800 px.
If you assign a new calendar height of 1200 px in the Virto Calendar settings, the grid will look as follows.
This way, you can display more events in your calendar view. The same changes can be applied to other views.
Select colors for the background and header. Once you have made all the required modifications, click “Apply.”
The multiday view settings can be applied to the Day, Week, and Work Week views. Select the day on which the calendar week will start (Monday or Sunday).
You can adjust the left column time format according to custom date and time format strings. Just enter the required symbols and apply them to the calendar. For example, you can use the format as follows:
Check or uncheck the boxes “Show Header” and “Show Event Bar.” Then check the box “Event Bar Only” to display only the event bar.
Check the box “Show :00 in Time String” to display the time of the event in 9:00 p.m. or 9 p.m. format.
Check the box “Show Time for Calendar Item” to display the time of events in your calendar.
You can adjust the header date format according to custom date and time format strings. Click “Show Header” and enter the required format. For example, use the “ddd” format to display the abbreviated name of the day of the week.