Virto Apps
A Global Administrator can manage the Virto Apps (Virto Authorization App) via the Azure Active Directory portal at You can locate it by navigating to Azure Active Directory => Enterprise application => Virto Apps.
This application is necessary for using VirtoSoftware apps in SharePoint, synchronizing them with Outlook, Planner, and other Microsoft products, and inheriting permissions configured by the global administrator for users across various Microsoft ecosystem applications.
Delegated permissions are used when an application acts on a user’s behalf. They allow the application to access only what the user themselves can access. For instance, if an application is granted delegated permission to read files on behalf of a user named Alex, it can only read the files that Alex has access to. Important: in delegated access, both your client app and the signed-in user must be authorized correctly. Simply granting a scope is not sufficient. If the client app lacks the necessary scope or the user lacks sufficient rights to read or modify the resource, the call will fail.
To review permissions, navigate to the Security => Permissions menu on the left-hand side. Here, you’ll find all the permissions granted to VirtoSoftware applications for users, consistent with the permissions set for users in SharePoint, Exchange, and other Microsoft products.

If the administrator removes app permissions, it might make the apps work poorly. To fix any issues and ensure the app works correctly, it must be reinstalled. To do it, first uninstall the app by clicking “Delete” on the ribbon.

Then launch any VirtoSoftware app — a pop-up to install the Virto Apps will appear (though not immediately, as the browser cache needs to be cleared). To reinstall the application instantly, open any VirtoSoftware app in incognito (private) mode.